

neck lift in Turkey, or lower rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that improves visible signs of aging in the jawline and neck.

What neck lift surgery can treat
  • Excess fat and skin relaxation in the lower face that creates jowls
  • Excess fatty deposits under the chin
  • Loose neck skin
  • Muscle banding in the neck, which created abnormal contours

The loss of youthful contours in the face and neck can be due to a variety of factors, including heredity, gravity, environmental conditions and stress.

When the neck area doesn’t match the upper facial appearance, a neck lift may be a good solution.


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    Is the “XYZ” neck lift worth it?
    Many plastic surgeons have trademarked or branded their neck lift techniques, but in reality these names are just for marketing. The best neck lift surgeons tailor each surgery to the specific needs of each patient without any specific branded name. One neck lift is not necessarily better than another. Be cautious when speaking to a branded or trademarked cosmetic surgeon. Keep in mind that safe and reliable neck lift techniques are used by the entire community of plastic surgeons and are not associated with trademarked or branded names.
    Where are the incisions placed for a neck lift?
    Neck lifts typically require a small incision under the chin. This chin incision is well hidden in a natural crease and is used largely to access fat in the neck for liposuction, chin augmentation, or neck muscle tightening. Additional incisions may be made behind the ears for patients who undergo neck liposuction or a facelift. The facelift incision may be anywhere from the temple, side burns, around the ear, and/or upper neck. The incision location and length varies largely based on the age of the patient and how much lift an individual needs. Pixl Clinic will minimize the incision but maximize the lift, without creating an unnatural appearance. The facelift incision, regardless of exact location, fades over time.
    What are the different types of neck lift?
    A neck lift may be performed via a chin implant, neck liposuction, or as part of a facelift.
    What is the platysma?
    The platysma is a thin layer or sheet of muscle in the neck. The platysma muscle sags with age and contributes to the appearance of “bands” in the central neck area. The platysma is continuous with the SMAS (superficial musculo-aponeurotic system), a layer of fat and muscle tissue just under the skin surface of the face. Modification of the SMAS is the main component of most facelift surgery, not just the skin. Long-lasting facelift results are obtained by lifting and tightening the SMAS through a variety of techniques.
    How long will a neck lift last?
    After a neck lift, you should look better than nature intended for the remainder of your life. The aging process continues, however, so wrinkles and sagging skin will reappear years after facial surgery. You should look better than if you had not had the procedure in the first place.
    Does insurance cover neck lift surgery?
    Hu + Clinic provides the finest in both cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery at affordable prices, and participates with most insurance plans. Plastic surgery covers a broad area of medicine, which includes both reconstructive procedures and cosmetic procedures. If your procedure is medically indicated, some portion of the cost may be covered. The office accepts insurance in applicable cases and will, if you wish, contact your insurance company to find out if your procedure will be covered. Insurance coverage varies greatly between patients; however, plastic surgery may be partially or fully covered.