

As you age, your teeth can be stained and discolored due to various causes. Factors such as genetics, eating habits, some medications can cause stains on your teeth. Smoking is another factor that causes discoloration, so smokers mostly need teeth whitening treatments. On the other hand, there are many dental solutions you can use for whitening your natural teeth. Over-the-counter products, professional at-home teeth whitening kits, LED teeth whitening, and laser teeth whitening are among the available solutions.

At-home teeth whitening kits must also be used under professional supervision. It requires a pre-treatment dental examination since teeth whitening can cause temporary sensitivity at your teeth, and it may be uncomfortable for people who already have sensitive teeth.


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    How many different types of dental bleaching methods are there?
    There are 4 different methods for teeth bleaching.
    1- At-Home Teeth Bleaching
    2- In-Office Teeth Bleaching (Bleaching at the clinic)
    3- Single Tooth Bleaching (Bleaching a tooth that underwent root canal treatment from the inside out)
    4- Combined Teeth Bleaching (Bleaching both at home and clinic)
    Which method of teeth bleaching is most suitable for me?
    If the color of your teeth is close to white and you want to make them only a few shades lighter, laser or at-home teeth bleaching may suffice. However, if your teeth are discolored because of smoking or drinking too much coffee or tea, the most effective bleaching method would be the combined bleaching method. In order for us to decide on the appropriate tooth bleaching method, you must undergo an examination.
    How is at-home teeth bleaching done?
    Personalized teeth bleaching trays are prepared by taking the impression of the inside of the mouth. A certain amount of bleaching gel (10 to 15% carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide) is applied to the trays.
    How long does at-home teeth bleaching take?
    It is a treatment that takes 10 to 15 days if the trays are used for 4 to 6 hours during the day or 8 to 10 days if the trays are used at night while sleeping.
    How much gel should I apply to the trays?
    For at-home teeth bleaching, it is very important not to apply bleaching gel to the trays more than indicated. Otherwise, the gel will overflow from the trays, irritating gums. In such a case, you should wash the gums immediately, apply the vitamin E to the irritated surface and contact the dentist.
    What is in-office teeth bleaching?
    It is a teeth bleaching method applied at the clinic. It is a suitable method for patients who have time constraints. The application time is shorter than the other methods. The bleaching gel is applied to teeth by a dentist and activated using UV light or laser. The procedure takes an average of 1 hour. This procedure is also known as “Laser bleaching”.
    What is combined teeth bleaching?
    In this method, at-home and in-office bleaching methods are applied in a combined fashion. After application at the office or clinic, the procedure is reinforced with at-home bleaching for 2 to 3 days.
    What should I keep in mind after having my teeth bleached?
    Just as with other bleaching methods, after biological bleaching, especially in the first two weeks after the procedure, all colored drinks such as tea, coffee, and wine, soft drinks, such as coke, and tobacco products should be avoided. Otherwise, teeth may discolor early after the bleaching.
    What is single tooth bleaching (internal bleaching)?
    It is applied to teeth that discolor after root canal treatment. The filling in the tooth is removed, whitening gel is applied to that void, and then the tooth is covered with a temporary filling. The sessions are repeated at 3-day intervals until desired color is achieved.
    Does internal bleaching damage the tooth?
    If the root canal filling is well-insulated, there is usually no harm.
    Are there any harms or side effects of teeth bleaching?
    Bleaching may cause a little teeth sensitivity. This sensitivity may be to air, as well as to hot or cold food and drinks. This is a normal and expected side effect. The teeth sensitivity is expected to disappear within 24 to 48 hours. A physician should be consulted in case of an unexpected situation.
    How are teeth bleached?
    Dental bleaching is a process of removing the colored organic and inorganic substances formed in the porous enamel and dentin structures on the surface of the teeth using bleaching gels.
    How long does it take for teeth bleaching to work?
    It may vary from individual to individual. The average time for teeth bleaching is 2 to 3 weeks. Discoloration caused by the use of antibiotics is more difficult to eliminate and in such cases, it may take longer to achieve the desired result.
    Do I need to clean bleaching trays?
    Bleaching trays should be cleaned. After the trays are used, they should be washed with cold water and liquid soap, rinsed thoroughly, and kept in the provided tray box.