

Hollywood smile in Turkey, is non-surgical cosmetic operation that gives immediate results, it’s done by placing customized peels on the original teeth of the patient; the dental peels are customized individually based on the shape of the patient’s jaw and mouth. The goal is to give the patient’s teeth a better shape as well as to keep it bright for many years.

Hollywood smile is preformed to get rid of the pigmentations and color changes that happen to one’s teeth, it’s also a very effective way to solve the problem of broken, missing or basically any irregular teeth line.

There are several types of peels that are used in the Hollywood Smile process, the most important of which are:

  • Veneers
  • Porcelain veneers
  • Zirconia peels
  • Luminaires


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    What is the Laminate Veneers?

    Laminate Veneers Turkey are the most popular dental treatment these days and are one of the affordable aesthetic solutions for your teeth. Veneers are a tiny prosthetic device that uses thin material and gives you a natural-looking smile. To procedure requires removing some enamel from the tooth and then the veneers are fitted into the tooth. The resin cement used in the procedure can easily be modified as per the color, shape, and size of the teeth.

    We know that you don’t want that fake-looking smile and that is why we use premium brands for the perfect finishing. If you are looking for the best quality but affordable dental veneers then Veneers in Turkey is what you want.
    What is the Porcelain Veneers?

    A dental veneer is an ultra-thin shell of tooth-colored porcelain or composite that is cemented over the facial surfaces of your teeth to correct dental issues including worn tooth enamel, uneven tooth alignment or spacing, tooth discoloration, and chips or cracks.

    Although veneers fall into the category of cosmetic dentistry because they help makeover smiles with beautifully aligned, shapely teeth, they also boast protective qualities and may eliminate the need for more extensive treatments. Other benefits include durability, an improved smile appearance, and the need for little-to-no removal of tooth structure compared to crowns. (There are even veneer variants that require no preparation of the underlying teeth.)
    What is the Zirconium Crown?

    Zirconium crowns are one of the most important and highly recommended crown types recently. Individuals who want aesthetic artificial teeth prefer zirconium crowns. Patients often wonder about the composition or materials used in the production of zirconium crowns.

    Zirconium crowns consist of zirconium oxide or zirconium. Zirconium is a white metal which displays radiopaque features in X-rays. In addition, the tooth color is whiter than that of other treatment options. Unlike conventional metal-based ceramic crowns no unattractive gray line is visible.

    Zirconium crowns are known to have a natural appearance. Zirconium crowns are often difficult to distinguish from natural teeth. When metal-based crowns are used, it is recommended to attach zirconium crowns to the teeth to give a more natural appearance to the teeth because the gum line tends to darken.
    What is the Luminaires?

    Lumineers are a brand of veneers that take less preparation and advanced dental work than traditional veneers. They’re often called “no prep” veneers. Instead of porcelain, they’re made of “ultra thin” laminate.

    Like traditional veneers, dentists use Lumineers to treat discolored and unusually shaped teeth. They’re smooth and slick to the touch. Lumineers are thinner and a bit more translucent than traditional porcelain veneers. For this reason, they’re not a good option for people with severely discolored teeth.
    What is the Gummy Smile?

    A ‘Gummy Smile’ is a condition where there is too much gum tissue (gingiva) in relation to the size of the patient’s teeth and is very obvious when the patient smiles.

    A ‘Gummy Smile’ is a condition where there is too much gum tissue (gingiva) in relation to the size of the patient’s teeth, and is very obvious when the patient smiles. To correct for this, a periodontist (gum disease specialist) will, in a short procedure lasting an hour, remove a portion of the gum while the patient is under local anaesthetic. This procedure is undertaken using the latest laser technology. When the excess gum has been removed there may be the necessity of applying a crown, or crowns, to complete the new ‘Smile Design’ for the patient.


    What is 'Hollywood Smile Makeover?
    A smile makeover is a general term to describe the dental treatments to recreate your smile line however it is usually used for cosmetic treatments like dental crowns, dental veneers, etc. A smile makeover is not a single treatment. In fact, there is a number of treatment options available to restore smiles. Hollywood smile makeover is the transformation of the whole smile line to fix discolouration, alignment, proportional issues, missing teeth, misshapen gums or gummy smile, severely damaged teeth, gaps, or other spacing issues. You can get a free quote for Hollywood smile makeover via e-mail, WhatsApp or Telegram and save up to 70%!
    Why should I choose Hu + Clinic for my smile makeover procedure?
    Reasonable and affordable costs, high-quality products & personalised treatment plans Smile makeover procedures have skyrocketed in popularity, especially in the last decade. So have the costs. Hu + Clinic offers much lower costs for various treatment options compared to clinics in the United Kingdom, Europe, United States, or Australia. Yes, our dental treatment prices are affordable, and we offer authentic, branded products just as you find in other parts of your country. We do not offer low-quality, cheaper alternatives. At Hu + Clinic, your cosmetic dental procedures will be tailor-made to meet your needs. Every patient has their own expectations on the end result they would like to achieve, and we offer personalised treatment plans for all our patients depending on their expectations and their smile structure. Every patient is unique since every patient has a different teeth shape, size, and smile and jaw structure. We personalize treatment options so you end up with the exact results you want. If you want a bright white smile or fix a gap in teeth with a natural-looking prosthetic, we can offer exactly what you need. We design smile makeover products at an affiliated, grade A laboratory.
    Why the prices of dental treatments in Turkey are lower compared to my country?
    Costs of dental treatments in Turkey are lower, mainly because operating a dental clinic in Turkey costs much lower compared to other parts of Europe and we pass down this advantage to our patients and offer the same high-quality dental products with much affordable cost.
    Are the treatments painful?
    No! Our dentist will provide the numbing injections at the start of your treatment and you will not feel any pain or sensitivity during your dental treatments, however, after the appointments, some patients might feel pain or sensitivity depending on the treatment they get. For example, it is totally normal to feel pain after the application of the screw part of the dental implant(s) since there is an intervention into the jaw bone however our dentist will prescribe necessary medications and painkillers to ease your pain and sensitivity. In the case of cosmetic treatments like dental veneers or dental crowns, there would not be any pain however having sensitivity for a while is totally normal. Some patients do not feel any sensitivity however some might have up to 2 months, depending on the case.
    Do I have to wear braces before getting dental veneers?
    There are two ways to realign teeth; 1. Orthodontic treatments like braces, retainers, Invisalign, etc., 2. Cosmetical treatments like dental veneers. Even though they are offered for the same purpose, these treatments are not substitutes for each other. Please do not hesitate to contact us to get further information regarding your treatment options. Our expert orthodontists and prosthodontists will offer you a personalised treatment plan based on your needs and expectations.
    Which treatment is better for me? Laminate veneers or dental crowns?
    Laminate veneers and dental crowns are similar since they both are offered to improve the appearance of the teeth, however, they are recommended for different conditions. Teeth need to be shaved down 0,5mm for the application of laminate veneers and since they are translucent and only cover the visible surface of teeth, reshaping is limited, therefore, we do not recommend laminate veneers if you have severe discolouration, misalignments, bite issues or have large gaps between your teeth etc. For the application of dental crowns (also known as full veneers), teeth need to be shaved down around 1-1,5 mm in order to apply dental crowns (also known as full veneers) and since they cover teeth 360 degrees, we are able to close the gaps between teeth, reshape/realign teeth and cover the discolouration successfully. Laminate veneers last for 10-15 years and they have a higher risk of chip or fall off compared to dental crowns. That is why you should avoid chewing tough substances with dental veneers. In addition, if you have bruxism (teeth grinding), we do not recommend dental veneers because you may break or chip them while you are asleep. Dental crowns last for 15-20 years and they are less likely to chip or fall off unless you try to open bottle caps or crack nuts.
    Should I replace my old amalgam fillings with white composite fillings?
    Many people want to replace their old metal fillings with white ones because of cosmetical concerns, however, if you do not have any metal allergy or discomforts like pain or sensitivity, we do not recommend replacing old huge amalgam fillings with white composite fillings since they may cause future pain or sensitivity.
    Is root canal treatment necessary for the application of dental veneers?
    No! Application of dental veneers is mainly for cosmetical concerns. There is a common misbelief that root canal treatment is requisite for the application of dental veneers or full veneers however this is not true. However, in some cases like extreme misalignment, we may need to shave down teeth more than usual in order to straighten the smile line, which may cause the nerves to expose, therefore, the dentist may recommend root canal treatment(s) for these teeth to avoid future pain/sensitivity. Our expert dentists will inform you before proceeding if there is any need for root canal treatments.
    How can I get an online consultation?
    We offer free online consultation for our patients. You can send us your dental photographs (that we are able to see all your teeth clearly from different angles) and dental x-rays via e-mail, WhatsApp or Telegram. Then, our patient coordinators will consult with our oral surgeons, prosthodontists, endodontists and get back to you with a personalised treatment plan in less than 48 hours. Please check the links below;
    Is it possible to fix bite problems with dental crowns?
    It depends on the case. Since it is not possible to move the roots of teeth or change jaw structure with cosmetic treatments like dental crowns, their application would not fix bite issues entirely, but “alleviate” the bite for a more aesthetical end result. If you would like to fix your malocclusion entirely, you may consider orthodontic treatments like braces or orthognathic surgery (jaw surgery) depending on your case. You can send us your dental photographs, so our patient coordinators would consult with our dental team regarding your treatment options and you can discuss accordingly.